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Did you know that the “Petit Train de la Rhune” is one of only three rack railway trains in France today?

See our exhibition…

Rack railway Exhibition

The Rack Railway, an astonishing technique

Venue for the exhibition: The Col de Saint-Ignace train station

The “Petit Train de La Rhune” will be revealed through an exhibition dedicated to the theme of the rack railway, explaining why this railway is not quite like any other, and why a third toothed railway track was needed to climb up to the summit of La Rhune.

This exhibition will enable the public to go back in time, to the founder(s) of the different rack systems used in Europe as well as in the United States.
Many rack railway trains still exist to date in the world; some have been modernized, while others, such as the “Petit Train de La Rhune”, still use the same technique as at the time of their creation.

A photographic and historic view will enable visitors to learn all about the different exceptional rack railway trains.